Bing Webmaster Tools, a free service from Microsoft, assists website owners, webmasters, and SEO professionals in managing and enhancing their websites’ visibility in Bing’s search results. Similar to Google Search Console, Bing Webmaster Tools offers tools and reports to demonstrate how Bing crawls and indexes your site, providing valuable data to optimize your site’s performance in Bing search results. Bing is widely recognized as one of the major search engines, alongside Google and Yahoo.

bing webmaster tools

Setting up Bing Webmaster Tools

How to get verified in Bing webmaster tool?

First visit Bing Webmaster tools website and and click the ‘Get started’ button. Next, sign in to your account. You have the option to use your Microsoft, Google, or Facebook account to log in. Just click on one of these options and select your email address to sign in to Bing Webmaster Tools.

Add your Website Manually

Once logged in, you’ll see two options to add your website. You can either import your sites from Google Search Console or add your website manually. We’ll focus on the manual method to get the verification code. Enter your website address in the ‘Add your site manually’ section and then click the ‘Add’ button.

Bing verification method

Choose a Verification Method

Once you’ve added your website URL in Bing Webmaster Tools, a window will appear offering different verification methods. You can choose from options like using an XML file, an HTML meta tag, or adding CNAME records to your DNS settings. If you opt for the HTML Meta Tag method, Bing will provide you with a specific verification code. To proceed, simply copy this code and paste it into the section of your website’s homepage HTML. For WordPress users, navigate to your dashboard, go to Tools, then click on Traffic. Paste the HTML tag provided by Bing into the designated field and save your settings. Once you’ve integrated the code into your website, go back to Bing Webmaster Tools and click on ‘Verify’ to complete the verification process. This confirms ownership and grants you access to your website’s data and tools within Bing Webmaster Tools. It’s a straightforward process that ensures Bing recognizes you as the rightful owner of your site, allowing you to effectively manage its presence in Bing search results.

Submitting your URL

After you’ve verified your website in Bing Webmaster Tools, go to the dashboard and find the “URL submission” feature. This tool lets you submit specific URLs from your website for indexing by Bing’s search engine. Just paste the URLs of your blog posts or pages into the provided field and click “Submit”. This prompts Bing’s crawlers to visit those URLs and add them to their index, making sure they show up in Bing’s search results. It’s a simple process that helps boost your website’s visibility and accessibility on Bing.

Sitemap Submission

Boost your blog’s discoverability by adding its sitemap. Navigate to the ‘Sitemaps’ option in the Bing Webmaster Tools dashboard, click on it, and then paste the URL of your blog’s sitemap into the provided field to submit it for indexing.

Enhance Your Bing Visibility with Bing Webmaster Tools

To get more visibility on Bing, it’s important to use Bing Webmaster Tools to the fullest. This tool gives important insights into how your website is doing in Bing search results. By tracking things like how often your site shows up in searches, how many times people click on it, and where your site ranks for certain words, you can understand what Bing users like and make changes to your SEO plan. It also helps you find any technical problems that might be affecting how well your site shows up or works, making sure your content gets to the people you want to see it. With Bing Webmaster Tools, you can make your site work better, show up more, and get more people to visit from Bing

Analyze Competitors Easily with Bing Tools

For better visibility on Bing, it’s important to use Bing Webmaster Tools fully. This tool gives important insights into how your website is performing in Bing search results. By tracking how often your site shows up in searches, how many times people click on it, and where your site ranks for certain words, you can understand what Bing users like and make changes to your SEO plan. It also helps you find any technical problems that might be affecting how well your site shows up or works, making sure your content reaches the people you want to see it. With Bing Webmaster Tools, you can improve your site’s performance, increase its visibility, and attract more visitors from Bing.


Bing Webmaster Tools is an invaluable resource for enhancing a website’s performance in Bing search results. It offers insights into search analytics and technical SEO, along with tools for ongoing improvement. By leveraging these features effectively, webmasters and SEO professionals can increase visibility and drive organic traffic. Keeping up with the latest features ensures that strategies remain effective and aligned with Bing’s evolving algorithms, ultimately leading to sustained growth and success online.

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